1. Clean your site: Don’t leave a dirty site for the next campers. Leaving trash in an otherwise pure, natural space is frowned upon. Remember the motto: take out what you bring in. 

2. Put your fire out: Because you can endanger those around you, this is one of the most important camping rules, regardless of where you go. Be sure to put out your fire before bed, before heading out for the day, or when you leave the site at the end of your stay. The general rule of thumb is to make sure the coals or ashes are cold.

PALLETS ARE NOT ALLOWED, PLEASE do not bring or burn pallets.

3. Clean up after your pets: Whether you’re at your campsite, walking through the campground or hiking on a nearby trail, always clean up after your pets. Be sure your pet doesn’t go to the bathroom on someone else’s campsite, either.

4. Don’t wash your dishes in the bathroom:  Not only does dishwashing take up the small space people have for bathroom use, but it’s unsanitary; dirty dishes should not be in the sink where people clean their face and hands. 

5. Don’t cut through campsites: Unless you know your neighbors, avoid cutting through anyone’s campsite. People pay to be at the campground, making the site their personal space for the duration of their stay. Don’t intrude just to save a few minutes on your walk to the bathrooms. 

6. Respect quiet hours: Blackriver Bay Campground quiet hours are from 10 p.m. to 8 a.m. These are put in place for those who need to get a good night sleep or are camping with children. Voices carry in the still of night, so be respectful of this time. Be mindful of your early morning routine, as well, which can be just as disturbing. 

7. Use lowlights: When driving through Blackriver Bay Campground or unloading your car in the dark, turn off your headlights and use your lowlights. For those around you, the bright lights can disturb sleep. Once you arrive at the campground, use lanterns and flashlights. 

8. Keep your pet on a leash: Camping rules for pets differ at each campground, but with food, little kids and animal allergies most people will agree that they don’t want your pet wandering around their campsite. Here at Blackriver Bay Campground keep your pet on a leash at the campsite, on the trails and around the campground. For some, a howling animal, whether it’s wild or domestic, is like finger nails on a chalkboard. Most people love dogs, but there’s always someone who does not — especially if you don’t clean up after it.

9. Put everything back: If you moved the picnic table, or other items on the site, move them back. And, if you created holes or trenches fill these in, they can be dangerous for new campers.

10. Don’t use your site as a repair shop: Nobody will fault you for cleaning the bugs off your windshield or checking tire pressures in the morning, but your campsite is no place to break out the toolbox for some heavy wrenching.

11. Don’t throw NONFLAMMABLE items into the fire or cut down trees: You should never leave items in a campfire or grill that do not burn and just end up as garbage, including bottles, aluminum cans, aluminum foil and cigarettes. Plastic bottles release toxins while burning and glass bottles can explode in a fire. if you smoke, always pick up your butts and put them in the trash. Also, bring your own firewood or buy it from the campground.

PALLETS ARE NOT ALLOWED, PLEASE do not bring or burn pallets.

11. Don’t leave your light on all night: Although you are a happy camper and sound asleep, the light from your motorhome’s porch may be depriving your neighbors of sleep. Even if it’s unintentional, sleep-deprivation is a form of torture. A low-wattage lamp for safety is one thing, but many people are sensitive to light, so please be considerate.

12. Don’t dump waste water on the ground: It seems like a no-brainer, but some people believe dumping is good for the grass; however, your dump water can contain contaminants that can be transferred to anyone that treads on tainted ground. It’s simple: Gray and black water belong only in a dump station. I’m sure you wouldn’t want to trod on someone else’s waste, so don’t make them trod on yours. A dumping station and pump out service is available.

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